Sunday 16 September 2012

Blog Post 1: Research essay topic selection.

The sports world is a billion dollar industry, an industry which I have always had great interest in. Since a young age there have been numerous athletes from sports such as football, hockey, baseball and basketball that I have grown an immense amount of respect for. Something that has bothered me over the years is to read in the news talk of "doping" allegations, otherwise known as the use of performance-enhancing drugs. To me, the use of performance-enhancing drugs whether it's in recreational, varsity or professional sports, is wrong on many levels and is still a large problem in the world of sport today. My strong interest in sports and the actions of it's athletes has propelled me to use "doping" in sports as my topic for my research paper, in which I will discuss the pros and cons of doping, the punishment involved currently, notable users and most importantly, the effect it has on the sport itself.  I believe this is an important topic because over the years many heroes of the sporting world have been uncovered as steroid users, ranging from baseball greats like Alex Rodriguez and Roger Clemens, to recently the Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong. Doping allegations around these big name athletes sends a negative message to fans of all ages, including children who may idolize these people, and also damages their respective franchises in the case of team sports, and sometimes even the industry itself.

1 comment:

  1. Doping has certainly caused scandals, but remember you need to do some research. This isn't just an opinion piece. Has there been a financial impact on the sports? Look into the economy of it as well.
